CFL Studio Road Map
Here is our prospective plans for the future of CFL Studio

Day 1 - April 1st, 2025
Modular Additions
Modular sets ready for use.
Studio will be cleaned up and green room will be reintegrated.
Q2 2025
DMX dimmer and mixer boards will be integrated into the audio suite and film studio. Also, networking will be added to the studio allowing for proper NAS storage and modernized bespoke security and in house automated systems.

Q3 2025
The Loft
A second floor will be integrated into the offices section of the studio with the addition of a edit suite, sound suite and playback room along with a proper storage room and proper offices.
Q1 2026
Virtual Production
A virtual production system will be added to the studio. Definitely a green screen live keying with Unreal Engine system but ideally a LED volume as well.